General Applications
Coatee is a brand manufactured by Indian Aerosols, a private limited company established in 1995. Ours is a sister concern of M/S Aeroaids Corporation, which has introduced the concept of Aerosol Touchup for the FIRST TIME in the country. After successfully running a top-class brand, “Com-Paint,” we have developed our agricultural series and named it “Coatee Touch Up Spray.”
This quick-drying spray efficiently removes scratches from the surface of any agricultural equipment and machine. Available in 32 plus exciting shades, our Coatee Touch Up Spray is excellent for any surface revamp and matches the vehicle’s or equipment’s exact colour.
Coatee Touch Up Spray came into being in the year 1995. It is the brainchild of the Indian Aerosols Private Ltd. Company, which has introduced the concept of Touchup Spray Paints in India. Since our inception, we have been flourishing in the market as the best provider of spray paint solutions for diverse applications.